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Trans-Atlantic Research and Development Interchange on Sustainability:

Sustainability and Resilience in the Face of Emergent Threats


14 - 16 September 2022

 University of Miskolc, Hungary

Dormitory (Kollegium) E/1


Workshop Focus


  1. What are the most important threats facing the World in the 21st Century?
  2. Which of these threats are critical challenges to achieving sustainability and promoting resilience locally as well as globally?
  3. What may be the most practical and effective ways to mitigate these threats?
  4. What is the most practical and effective path to resilience and sustainability in the face of these threats?


Organizing Committee


Dr. Rupert Baumgartner, University of Graz, Austria

Dr. Heriberto Cabezas, University of Miskolc, Hungary

Dr. Csaba Deák, University of Miskolc, Hungary

Dr. Urmila Diwekar, Vishwamitra Research Institute, USA


Local Organization:   Mr. Gábor Nagy, University of Miskolc, Hungary

                                   Mr. Baibhaw Kumar, University of Miskolc, Hungary




Tuesday, 13 September


6:00 PM          Informal Dinner for Arriving Participants


Wednesday, 14 September


Registration & Coffee


9:00 AM         Welcome

Prof. Dr. Zita Horváth, Rector

University of Miskolc


9:10 AM         Introduction (Organizers)


9:20 AM         TARDIS’22 Questions


9:40 AM-12:00 PM   Lectures/Discussion


9:40 AM         Resilience – A Discussion Contribution from the Regional Perspective

                        Michael Narodoslawsky, Technical University of Graz  (Ret.), Austria


10:00 AM       Coffee Break


10:30 AM       There is a Lot We Can Do: Climate Resilience Campus

Brigitte Hasewend, Technical University of Graz / European Sustainable Energy Innovation Alliance, Austria


10:50 AM       Systemic Risk and Spreading Processes in Complex Systems

                        Hrvoje Štefančić, Catholic University of Croatia, Croatia


11:10 AM       Net-Zero, Nature-Positive, and Socially Just: Opportunities for Sustainable Engineering

                        Bhavik            Bakshi, Ohio State University, USA


11:30 AM       Toward a leading indicator of catastrophic shifts in complex systems: Assessing changing conditions in nation states

                        Heriberto Cabezas, University of Miskolc, Hungary


11:50 AM       Summary & Discussion


12:00 PM        Lunch


1:30-5:00 PM Lectures/Discussion


1:30 PM          Corporate sustainability management in times of crises

                        Rupert Baumgartner, University of Graz, Austria


1:50 PM          Structural Consideration of Sustainability and Resilience

                        Ferenc Friedler, Széchenyi István University, Hungary


2:10 PM          Water sustainability in the time of changing climate: Multi-scale approach using systems engineering

                        Yogendra Shastri, Indian Institute of Technology – Mumbai, India


2:30 PM          The GUMBO; Simulating the fate of an integrated Earth System

                        Roelof Boumans, Affordable Futures, USA


2:50 PM          Planning for Resilience to Known and Unknown Threats in Practical Contexts

                        Adjo Amekudzi, Georgia Institute of Technology, USA


3:10 PM          Coffee Break


3:40 PM          Topological Structure-Function Analysis of Complex Resilient Networks

                        Venkat            Venkatasubramanian Columbia University, USA


4:00 PM          Increasing Risk of Heat-Related Extreme under Climate Change

                        Ashok Mishra, Clemson University, USA


4:20 PM          Sustainability economies for an unsustainable economy: do we need a different approach?

                        Pauline           Deutz, University of Hull, United Kingdom


4:40 PM          Exploring the interlinks between Circular Economy and Sustainability Assessment

                        Tomas Ramos, NOVA University Lisbon, Portugal


5:00 PM          Summary & Discussion


5:20 PM          End of Day 1


7:00 PM          Gala Dinner


Thursday, 15 September


9:00 AM-12:00 PM   Lectures/Discussion


9:00 AM         Recap of Day 1


9:10 AM         Addressing the drinking water crisis. Impact investing vs the human right to drinking water

                        Tebaldo Vinciguerra, Dicastery for Integral Human Development, The Vatican


9:30 AM         Coupling Earth Observations, machine learning, and optimization to uncover productivity drivers in insect pollination dependent crops

                        Vikhas            Khanna, University of Pittsburg, USA


9:50 AM         Sustainability Benefits of Valorizing Associated Flare Gas―An Unrealized Opportunity to Enable the Low Carbon Transition and Mitigate Climate Change and Other Sustainability Challenges with Fossil Energy

                        Eric Tan, National Renewable Energy Laboratory, USA


10:10 AM       Coffee Break


10:40 AM       Enough: Flourishing within nature’s bounty

                        Brian Fath, Towson University/IIASA, USA/Austria


11:00 AM       The Water, Food, and Sustainability Nexus

                        Haripriya Gundimeda, Indian Institute of Technology – Mumbai, India


11:20 AM       Innovation, Business and Sustainability

                        Csaba  Deák   University of Miskolc, Hungary



11:40 AM       Summary & Discussion       


12:00 PM        Lunch


1:30-5:00 PM Lectures/Discussion


1.30 PM          Role of the Wastes of Mining and Allied Industries in the Circular Economy – Urban Mining

                        Gábor Mucsi University of Miskolc, Hungary


1:50 PM          Global Goals, Local Action: Reflections from an Urban Partnership for Sustainable Development in Ireland.

                        Gerard Mullally, University College Cork, Ireland


2:10 PM          Evaluation of global techno-socio-economic policies for FEW sustainability with an optimal control-based approach

                        Urmila            Diwekar, Vishwamitra Research Institute, USA


2:30 PM          Modeling Anthropogenic Material Cycles using PIOTs for Sustainable Planet

                        Schweta Singh, Purdue University, USA


2.50 PM          Subterranean Energy Sources

Krisztian Baracza, University of Miskolc, Hungary


3.10 PM          Coffee Break


3:40 PM          Estimating environmental releases at the chemical end-of-life stage to support risk assessment

                        Gerardo Ruiz-Mercado, US Environmental Protection Agency, USA


4:00 PM          Sustainable Energy and Strategic Minerals—Geothermal Lithium Extraction at the Salton Sea, California

                        Timothy Krantz, Redlands University, USA


4:20 PM          What do we do about the UN Global Plastic Pollution Agreement?

                        Amy Landis, Colorado School of Mines, USA


4:40 PM          Summary & Discussion


5:00 PM          End of Day 2


6:00 PM          Dinner


8:00 PM          Informal Reception with University of Miskolc Faculty


Friday, 16 September


9:00 AM-12:00 PM   Summary/Discussion


9:00 AM         TARDIS’22 Questions


9:30 AM         Recap & Summary Discussion


10:30 AM       Coffee Break


11:00 AM       TARDIS Major Points


12:00 PM        Lunch


1:00 PM          End of TARDIS 2022